At the beginning of September in Chakan in Pune in India, Blue Energy Motors launched India’s first manufacturing facility for the production of Liquified Natural Gas fuelled trucks, whose first models will be powered by FPT Industrial green engines.Blue Energy Motors is a Zero Emissions truck technology company engaged in manufacturing clean energy trucks, and its vision for LNG truck production involves partnerships with world-class suppliers like FPT Industrial. Both partners are committed to active and swift decarbonisation in the commercial transport segment and share the same strong belief that LNG trucks are a sustainable option for the market.The N67 NG is the most powerful natural gas engine on the Indian market and is compatible with CNG, LNG and biomethane. It uses stoichiometric combustion to ensure best-in-class fuel consumption and lower noise levels than Diesel, with up to 40% fuel cost reduction compared to Diesel equivalents in the Indian market, and 28% less C02 emissions.FPT Industrial is a brand of lveco Group, dedicated to the design, production and sale of powertrains for on-road and off-road vehicles as well as marine and power generation applications. The company employs more than 8,000 people, in 11 plants and 11 R&D centers.
At the beginning of September in Chakan in Pune in India, Blue Energy Motors launched India’s first manufacturing facility for the production of Liquified Natural Gas fuelled trucks, whose first models will be powered by FPT Industrial green engines.Blue Energy Motors is a Zero Emissions truck technology company engaged in manufacturing clean energy trucks, and its vision for LNG truck production involves partnerships with world-class suppliers like FPT Industrial. Both partners are committed to active and swift decarbonisation in the commercial transport segment and share the same strong belief that LNG trucks are a sustainable option for the market.The N67 NG is the most powerful natural gas engine on the Indian market and is compatible with CNG, LNG and biomethane. It uses stoichiometric combustion to ensure best-in-class fuel consumption and lower noise levels than Diesel, with up to 40% fuel cost reduction compared to Diesel equivalents in the Indian market, and 28% less C02 emissions.FPT Industrial is a brand of lveco Group, dedicated to the design, production and sale of powertrains for on-road and off-road vehicles as well as marine and power generation applications. The company employs more than 8,000 people, in 11 plants and 11 R&D centers.