New Business Ethiopia reported that Addis Ababa City Administration of Ethiopia has launched construction of 5,000 condos at Akaki Kaliti sub city. The construction of the 4 and 9 story buildings is expected to be completed within one year period using prefabricated technology. The City Administration has allocated 8 billion Birr for the construction of the houses. The construction will be implemented by the state construction company, Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation.After completing the 5,000 houses the City Administration aims to build 5,000 more houses using same model of prefabricated technology.
New Business Ethiopia reported that Addis Ababa City Administration of Ethiopia has launched construction of 5,000 condos at Akaki Kaliti sub city. The construction of the 4 and 9 story buildings is expected to be completed within one year period using prefabricated technology. The City Administration has allocated 8 billion Birr for the construction of the houses. The construction will be implemented by the state construction company, Ethiopian Construction Works Corporation.After completing the 5,000 houses the City Administration aims to build 5,000 more houses using same model of prefabricated technology.