NOVATEK announced that the first of three stages of international certification for long-term CO2 underground storage sites in the Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas has been successfully completed and that site feasibility certificates have been issued for further study of the sites and subsequent certification stages. Det Norske Veritas, an independent certification and classification society, issued certificates of conformity with international standards ISO 27914:2017 Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage and DNVGL-SE-0473 Certification of Sites and Projects for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide. Pursuant to the issued certificates, the geological formations within the Obskiy (Yamal) and Tadebyayakhinskiy (Gydan) license areas have the capacity to store at least 600 million tons of CO2 each, which is supported by calculations. The calculations were made by NOVATEK's Scientific and Technical Center with the involvement of international service companies, and verified by DNV.
NOVATEK announced that the first of three stages of international certification for long-term CO2 underground storage sites in the Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas has been successfully completed and that site feasibility certificates have been issued for further study of the sites and subsequent certification stages. Det Norske Veritas, an independent certification and classification society, issued certificates of conformity with international standards ISO 27914:2017 Carbon Dioxide Geological Storage and DNVGL-SE-0473 Certification of Sites and Projects for Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide. Pursuant to the issued certificates, the geological formations within the Obskiy (Yamal) and Tadebyayakhinskiy (Gydan) license areas have the capacity to store at least 600 million tons of CO2 each, which is supported by calculations. The calculations were made by NOVATEK's Scientific and Technical Center with the involvement of international service companies, and verified by DNV.