In an extraordinary collaboration, thyssenkrupp nucera and the esteemed OxyChem have forged an alliance to usher in a new era of chlor-alkali technology. The latest generation e-BiTAC v7 electrolyzers from thyssenkrupp nucera will grace OxyChem's renowned Battleground plant in LaPorte, Texas, as it transitions from diaphragm to membrane chlor-alkali technology.The contract awarded by OxyChem to thyssenkrupp nucera for this pivotal retrofit of their expansive chlor-alkali plant instills great satisfaction, showcasing the unwavering trust and partnership that has evolved through their shared commitment to exceptional chlor-alkali technology and service. Dr. Werner Ponikwar, the erudite CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA, emphasizes the significance of this retrofit in fortifying their bond with OxyChem.Renowned for its world-class technologies in highly efficient electrolysis plants, thyssenkrupp nucera stands poised to support the conversion of OxyChem's Battleground plant diaphragm cells. The production and delivery of the cutting-edge electrolyzers are projected to span approximately three years, necessitating an expansion of thyssenkrupp nucera's manufacturing facilities to accommodate this substantial supply agreement.Wade Alleman, the astute OxyChem Executive Vice President of Technology, Business Development & Support, underscores the enduring partnership between OxyChem and thyssenkrupp nucera, which aids in the production of essential commodity chemicals that elevate the quality of life worldwide. He lauds the multi-year project, envisioning its ability to modernize OxyChem's chlor-alkali manufacturing process and augment production capacity.From the inception of the project, thyssenkrupp nucera played a vital role, engaging in the early stages of development and providing the foundational design for the core of the chlor-alkali facility. The transformation of the esteemed chlor-alkali plant into membrane technology is slated to commence in 2023, with completion anticipated by 2026.
In an extraordinary collaboration, thyssenkrupp nucera and the esteemed OxyChem have forged an alliance to usher in a new era of chlor-alkali technology. The latest generation e-BiTAC v7 electrolyzers from thyssenkrupp nucera will grace OxyChem's renowned Battleground plant in LaPorte, Texas, as it transitions from diaphragm to membrane chlor-alkali technology.The contract awarded by OxyChem to thyssenkrupp nucera for this pivotal retrofit of their expansive chlor-alkali plant instills great satisfaction, showcasing the unwavering trust and partnership that has evolved through their shared commitment to exceptional chlor-alkali technology and service. Dr. Werner Ponikwar, the erudite CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of thyssenkrupp nucera AG & Co. KGaA, emphasizes the significance of this retrofit in fortifying their bond with OxyChem.Renowned for its world-class technologies in highly efficient electrolysis plants, thyssenkrupp nucera stands poised to support the conversion of OxyChem's Battleground plant diaphragm cells. The production and delivery of the cutting-edge electrolyzers are projected to span approximately three years, necessitating an expansion of thyssenkrupp nucera's manufacturing facilities to accommodate this substantial supply agreement.Wade Alleman, the astute OxyChem Executive Vice President of Technology, Business Development & Support, underscores the enduring partnership between OxyChem and thyssenkrupp nucera, which aids in the production of essential commodity chemicals that elevate the quality of life worldwide. He lauds the multi-year project, envisioning its ability to modernize OxyChem's chlor-alkali manufacturing process and augment production capacity.From the inception of the project, thyssenkrupp nucera played a vital role, engaging in the early stages of development and providing the foundational design for the core of the chlor-alkali facility. The transformation of the esteemed chlor-alkali plant into membrane technology is slated to commence in 2023, with completion anticipated by 2026.