CMA CGM Group’s fully owned subsidiary together with J M Baxi Ports & Logistics has won the tender for privatization of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminaland will constitute a Joint Venture named Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal. Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal will be owned by J M Baxi Ports & Logistics (50%) and CMA CGM’s subsidiary CMA Terminals (50%) and will operate as a multi-user terminal. This agreement seals a long-term partnership, as part of a broader strategy towards developing cooperation in the fields of new logistics solutions, supply chain digitalization and training enhancement for younger generations in the fields of shipping and logistics. Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal will take-over JNPCT’s 680-meter quay length and 54 Ha of yard, developing it to become an efficient gateway for Northwest India, by enhancing capacity (up to 1.8 MTeus) with an upgrade of equipment, yard, and systems.
CMA CGM Group’s fully owned subsidiary together with J M Baxi Ports & Logistics has won the tender for privatization of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Container Terminaland will constitute a Joint Venture named Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal. Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal will be owned by J M Baxi Ports & Logistics (50%) and CMA CGM’s subsidiary CMA Terminals (50%) and will operate as a multi-user terminal. This agreement seals a long-term partnership, as part of a broader strategy towards developing cooperation in the fields of new logistics solutions, supply chain digitalization and training enhancement for younger generations in the fields of shipping and logistics. Nhava Sheva Freeport Terminal will take-over JNPCT’s 680-meter quay length and 54 Ha of yard, developing it to become an efficient gateway for Northwest India, by enhancing capacity (up to 1.8 MTeus) with an upgrade of equipment, yard, and systems.