A Copper Smelter, located in Central Russia, went into production in the 1940s. Since its inception, the plant has been modernized several times.The plant operates two Copper Flash Smelting Furnaces with a unique equipment configuration. The boilers are located directly above the furnace’s uptakes, making the risk of water entering the furnace very high. The plant has the capacity to produce 150 000 tonnes of copper matte per year. They had ambitious plans for production development. Flue gas temperature inside the boiler reaches 1350 degree Celsius causing rapid metal wastage and slagging. Slagging could not be removed manually due to access issues. Deslagging was the first major benefit achieved because of the HVTS application reported by the plant. The boiler slows down every month. During these periods plant management teams perform a visual inspection of the equipment. No slagging has been detected on the boiler wall. The efficiency improvement increased production in 2020 to 112% of design capacity.The plant has now included IGS HVTS technology in its best practices list. They plan to install IGS surface technologies onto the refractory surfaces and the convection section coils to eliminate slagging and increase the production rate.Integrated Global Service’s High Velocity Thermal Spray solutions upgrade existing metallurgy to higher alloys that provide a barrier to mitigate corrosion &r erosion in mission-critical equipment around the world. IGS has performed over 4,000 site projects and installed millions of square feet of reliable metal cladding surface protection.
A Copper Smelter, located in Central Russia, went into production in the 1940s. Since its inception, the plant has been modernized several times.The plant operates two Copper Flash Smelting Furnaces with a unique equipment configuration. The boilers are located directly above the furnace’s uptakes, making the risk of water entering the furnace very high. The plant has the capacity to produce 150 000 tonnes of copper matte per year. They had ambitious plans for production development. Flue gas temperature inside the boiler reaches 1350 degree Celsius causing rapid metal wastage and slagging. Slagging could not be removed manually due to access issues. Deslagging was the first major benefit achieved because of the HVTS application reported by the plant. The boiler slows down every month. During these periods plant management teams perform a visual inspection of the equipment. No slagging has been detected on the boiler wall. The efficiency improvement increased production in 2020 to 112% of design capacity.The plant has now included IGS HVTS technology in its best practices list. They plan to install IGS surface technologies onto the refractory surfaces and the convection section coils to eliminate slagging and increase the production rate.Integrated Global Service’s High Velocity Thermal Spray solutions upgrade existing metallurgy to higher alloys that provide a barrier to mitigate corrosion &r erosion in mission-critical equipment around the world. IGS has performed over 4,000 site projects and installed millions of square feet of reliable metal cladding surface protection.