Volvo Buses continues to electrify public transport in cities all over Europe. With 29 new Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated, Aarhus in Denmark, has taken an important step towards its ambition of having a C02-neutral city bus fleet. Aarhus, the second biggest city in Denmark, is the latest of several cities to implement electric buses on a larger scale. Its electromobility journey started already in 2019, with four Volvo 7900 Electric buses. The investment has proven successful, and now the city has expanded its fleet in partnership with Volvo Buses. The new 29 Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated buses are an important step in Aarhus municipality’s goal of having all city buses CO2-neutral by 2027. The new buses will mean an expected annual CO2 saving of approximately 2,200 tons. The new Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated in Aarhus are operated by the bus operator AarBus. They will not operate a fixed route but will be deployed on departures with many passengers. The buses are charged by CCS cable at night at one of AarBus’ facilities. During the day, the overnight charge is supplemented by additional charging during stops at the facility. The Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated are 18.6 meters long, have low floor, and can transport up to 120 passengers.
Volvo Buses continues to electrify public transport in cities all over Europe. With 29 new Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated, Aarhus in Denmark, has taken an important step towards its ambition of having a C02-neutral city bus fleet. Aarhus, the second biggest city in Denmark, is the latest of several cities to implement electric buses on a larger scale. Its electromobility journey started already in 2019, with four Volvo 7900 Electric buses. The investment has proven successful, and now the city has expanded its fleet in partnership with Volvo Buses. The new 29 Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated buses are an important step in Aarhus municipality’s goal of having all city buses CO2-neutral by 2027. The new buses will mean an expected annual CO2 saving of approximately 2,200 tons. The new Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated in Aarhus are operated by the bus operator AarBus. They will not operate a fixed route but will be deployed on departures with many passengers. The buses are charged by CCS cable at night at one of AarBus’ facilities. During the day, the overnight charge is supplemented by additional charging during stops at the facility. The Volvo 7900 Electric Articulated are 18.6 meters long, have low floor, and can transport up to 120 passengers.