Chevron USA and California Bioenergy announced a joint investment in their second holding company to produce and market dairy biomethane as a renewable natural gas transportation fuel in California. At signing, the holding company, CalBioGas Hilmar, secured initial funding from Chevron to build infrastructure for dairy biomethane projects in California’s Merced County. Manure storage on dairy farms results in the release of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas. CalBio brings technology and operational experience to help dairy farmers build digesters and methane capture projects to convert this methane to a beneficial use as renewable natural gas, which is considered carbon negative on a lifecycle basis under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Per the agreement, Chevron will provide additional funding for as many as seven digesters and one central upgrading facility across a cluster of dairy farms in Merced County. The cluster of digesters has been awarded California Department of Food and Agriculture grants, which must be augmented with additional capital to complete the projects. When complete – expected in 2023 – Chevron will take 100 percent of the renewable natural gas produced to market in the California vehicle fuels market.
Chevron USA and California Bioenergy announced a joint investment in their second holding company to produce and market dairy biomethane as a renewable natural gas transportation fuel in California. At signing, the holding company, CalBioGas Hilmar, secured initial funding from Chevron to build infrastructure for dairy biomethane projects in California’s Merced County. Manure storage on dairy farms results in the release of methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas. CalBio brings technology and operational experience to help dairy farmers build digesters and methane capture projects to convert this methane to a beneficial use as renewable natural gas, which is considered carbon negative on a lifecycle basis under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. Per the agreement, Chevron will provide additional funding for as many as seven digesters and one central upgrading facility across a cluster of dairy farms in Merced County. The cluster of digesters has been awarded California Department of Food and Agriculture grants, which must be augmented with additional capital to complete the projects. When complete – expected in 2023 – Chevron will take 100 percent of the renewable natural gas produced to market in the California vehicle fuels market.