Surge Copper Corp announced assay results for the upper portion of hole S20-218, the first hole of the 2020 drilling program at the Company's 100% owned Ootsa Property in British Columbia. A 10,000 metre drill program is currently underway along the gold rich Seel Trend at Ootsa. One drill is focused on testing the expansion and near-deposit exploration potential at the East and West Seel porphyry Cu-Au deposits, the second is testing new exploration targets.HIGHLIGHTSThe upper part of hole S20-218 was drilled through the East Seel Deposit and returned 176.1 metres grading 0.72% copper equivalent.This includes higher grade portions returning 126.0 metres grading 0.89% copper equivalent and 32.0 metres grading 1.30% copper equivalent.The Company is fully funded to significantly expand the 10,000 metre drill program as conditions warrant.Drill ResultsThe results for the upper 230 metres of drill hole S20-218 have been received and are presented here, results for the lower part of the hole are pending and will be released once they are received and interpreted. Hole S20-218 was collared over the East Seel deposit and drilled at an azimuth of 115 degrees and a dip of -48 degrees to a total depth of 584.8 metres. The hole penetrated the East Seel deposit and then tested a large chargeability anomaly located immediately east. The upper part of the hole intersected continuous copper-gold mineralization from the start of bedrock at 34.5 metres until the East Fault at 210.6 metres, returning a zone grading 0.35% copper and 0.4 g/t gold over 176.0 metres including higher grade sections within the interval. The lower part of the hole intersected widespread alteration through the targeted chargeability anomaly, from 215.0 to 465.0 metres depth, containing abundant pyrite and zones of quartz-pyrite veining and breccias. Assay results from the lower part of the hole are expected in a few weeks.
Surge Copper Corp announced assay results for the upper portion of hole S20-218, the first hole of the 2020 drilling program at the Company's 100% owned Ootsa Property in British Columbia. A 10,000 metre drill program is currently underway along the gold rich Seel Trend at Ootsa. One drill is focused on testing the expansion and near-deposit exploration potential at the East and West Seel porphyry Cu-Au deposits, the second is testing new exploration targets.HIGHLIGHTSThe upper part of hole S20-218 was drilled through the East Seel Deposit and returned 176.1 metres grading 0.72% copper equivalent.This includes higher grade portions returning 126.0 metres grading 0.89% copper equivalent and 32.0 metres grading 1.30% copper equivalent.The Company is fully funded to significantly expand the 10,000 metre drill program as conditions warrant.Drill ResultsThe results for the upper 230 metres of drill hole S20-218 have been received and are presented here, results for the lower part of the hole are pending and will be released once they are received and interpreted. Hole S20-218 was collared over the East Seel deposit and drilled at an azimuth of 115 degrees and a dip of -48 degrees to a total depth of 584.8 metres. The hole penetrated the East Seel deposit and then tested a large chargeability anomaly located immediately east. The upper part of the hole intersected continuous copper-gold mineralization from the start of bedrock at 34.5 metres until the East Fault at 210.6 metres, returning a zone grading 0.35% copper and 0.4 g/t gold over 176.0 metres including higher grade sections within the interval. The lower part of the hole intersected widespread alteration through the targeted chargeability anomaly, from 215.0 to 465.0 metres depth, containing abundant pyrite and zones of quartz-pyrite veining and breccias. Assay results from the lower part of the hole are expected in a few weeks.