Express News Service reported that at least eight workers were injured after a boiler exploded at a furnace in KK Alloys steel plant in Bilga village of Sahnewal unit of Ludhiana on 5 January 2023. Eight laborers were working near the furnace when the boiler exploded and molten metal fell on some workers Four of the eight workers, who were seriously injured, are admitted to the Civil Hospital, four others were rushed to a private hospital. All the workers are currently stable. Police is investigating the matter and further action will be taken accordingly This is second incident in last 15 days in Ludhiana. Two workers had died and four others were injured in an explosion at Great India Steel on Rampur road in the Ludhiana district’s Doraha town on 19 December 2022.
Express News Service reported that at least eight workers were injured after a boiler exploded at a furnace in KK Alloys steel plant in Bilga village of Sahnewal unit of Ludhiana on 5 January 2023. Eight laborers were working near the furnace when the boiler exploded and molten metal fell on some workers Four of the eight workers, who were seriously injured, are admitted to the Civil Hospital, four others were rushed to a private hospital. All the workers are currently stable. Police is investigating the matter and further action will be taken accordingly This is second incident in last 15 days in Ludhiana. Two workers had died and four others were injured in an explosion at Great India Steel on Rampur road in the Ludhiana district’s Doraha town on 19 December 2022.