In a groundbreaking development, Chiyoda Steel, a leading long-product producer in Japan, is poised to revolutionize the industry with the adoption of advanced induction heating technology for billet reheating. Collaborating with Danieli Automation, the company is set to install a state-of-the-art Q-Heat induction heater at its Ayase plant in Tokyo. This cutting-edge system will enable the reheating of billets using induction heating alone, eliminating the need for traditional gas-based reheating methods.The new 4-MW Q-Heat induction heater, in conjunction with the existing 6-MW Q-Heat system employed for the hot charging process, will swiftly reheat cold billets to rolling temperature in under 8 minutes. This impressive productivity can reach up to 20 tons per hour, offering unparalleled efficiency and throughput. Notably, the Q-Heat system is designed for future expansion up to 9 MW, enabling the plant to achieve a remarkable productivity of 30 tons per hour.This innovative technology will completely replace the current gas reheating furnace, leading to enhanced plant efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability. By eliminating direct CO₂ emissions associated with the billet gas-reheating process, Chiyoda Steel's adoption of induction heating marks a significant stride toward green steel production and decarbonization.
In a groundbreaking development, Chiyoda Steel, a leading long-product producer in Japan, is poised to revolutionize the industry with the adoption of advanced induction heating technology for billet reheating. Collaborating with Danieli Automation, the company is set to install a state-of-the-art Q-Heat induction heater at its Ayase plant in Tokyo. This cutting-edge system will enable the reheating of billets using induction heating alone, eliminating the need for traditional gas-based reheating methods.The new 4-MW Q-Heat induction heater, in conjunction with the existing 6-MW Q-Heat system employed for the hot charging process, will swiftly reheat cold billets to rolling temperature in under 8 minutes. This impressive productivity can reach up to 20 tons per hour, offering unparalleled efficiency and throughput. Notably, the Q-Heat system is designed for future expansion up to 9 MW, enabling the plant to achieve a remarkable productivity of 30 tons per hour.This innovative technology will completely replace the current gas reheating furnace, leading to enhanced plant efficiency, flexibility, and sustainability. By eliminating direct CO₂ emissions associated with the billet gas-reheating process, Chiyoda Steel's adoption of induction heating marks a significant stride toward green steel production and decarbonization.