The Hindu reported that former Joint Director of Central Bureau of Investigation Mr VV Lakshminarayana, along with former CMD of RINL VSP Mr Siva Sagar Rao, while addressing a press convention said that before taking the ultimate step to go forward with the 100% strategic sale of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, the authorities involved ought to give a thought for its revival. He suggested that the central government should create steel giant by combining RINL with NMDC, SAIL, Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited and Kudremukh Iron Ore Company. He said “Each firm within the mega metal big has its personal potential and collectively they might handle the issues of each other and mix their energy to kind a formidable international metal big that would tackle China within the international market. And by doing so the businesses wouldn’t solely retain their PSU standing but additionally change into the most important metal conglomerate on the planet.” He added that the mergers might be completed in phases, relying on the requirement.
The Hindu reported that former Joint Director of Central Bureau of Investigation Mr VV Lakshminarayana, along with former CMD of RINL VSP Mr Siva Sagar Rao, while addressing a press convention said that before taking the ultimate step to go forward with the 100% strategic sale of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant, the authorities involved ought to give a thought for its revival. He suggested that the central government should create steel giant by combining RINL with NMDC, SAIL, Neelachal Ispat Nigam Limited and Kudremukh Iron Ore Company. He said “Each firm within the mega metal big has its personal potential and collectively they might handle the issues of each other and mix their energy to kind a formidable international metal big that would tackle China within the international market. And by doing so the businesses wouldn’t solely retain their PSU standing but additionally change into the most important metal conglomerate on the planet.” He added that the mergers might be completed in phases, relying on the requirement.