Synopsis: The steel industry grieves the loss of Tom Conway, International President of the United Steel Workers (USW). James P. Bouchard, Founder and CEO of Esmark, Inc, expresses his deep sorrow at the passing of Conway, highlighting their decades-long friendship and shared commitment to steelworkers' well-being.ArticleIn a somber announcement made by the United Steel Workers (USW) on September 25, 2023, the steel industry learned of the passing of International President Tom Conway. This unexpected loss has left a profound void in the hearts of many, including James P. Bouchard, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Esmark, Inc.James P. Bouchard, a longtime friend and collaborator of Tom Conway, shared his condolences and heartfelt sentiments about the departed leader. Bouchard's words reflected not only their professional association but also the deep bond of friendship they shared.Bouchard stated, "I've known and worked with Tom since the 1990s, and while the industry has lost a devout leader and advocate, I have lost a dear friend." He praised Conway's unwavering commitment to the welfare of steelworkers, emphasizing his dedication to transparency and respect for all.Esmark, Inc., which includes facilities in Illinois and Ohio, has a close affiliation with USW unions. Over the years, Bouchard and Conway collaborated closely to ensure the well-being of their employees, forging a strong friendship in the process."We were just texting last month regarding our mutual respect for each other and our close working relationship and friendship. Our hearts go out to Tom's family, the USW, and all USW steelworkers," Bouchard continued.As the steel industry mourns the loss of Tom Conway, James P. Bouchard, and Esmark, Inc. remain steadfast in their commitment to honoring his legacy and continuing their mission to support steelworkers and the industry at large.Conclusion:The passing of Tom Conway, International President of the United Steel Workers, is a somber moment for the steel industry and those who knew him personally. James P. Bouchard, Founder and CEO of Esmark, Inc., expressed not only his deep sorrow but also the genuine friendship that existed between them.
Synopsis: The steel industry grieves the loss of Tom Conway, International President of the United Steel Workers (USW). James P. Bouchard, Founder and CEO of Esmark, Inc, expresses his deep sorrow at the passing of Conway, highlighting their decades-long friendship and shared commitment to steelworkers' well-being.ArticleIn a somber announcement made by the United Steel Workers (USW) on September 25, 2023, the steel industry learned of the passing of International President Tom Conway. This unexpected loss has left a profound void in the hearts of many, including James P. Bouchard, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Esmark, Inc.James P. Bouchard, a longtime friend and collaborator of Tom Conway, shared his condolences and heartfelt sentiments about the departed leader. Bouchard's words reflected not only their professional association but also the deep bond of friendship they shared.Bouchard stated, "I've known and worked with Tom since the 1990s, and while the industry has lost a devout leader and advocate, I have lost a dear friend." He praised Conway's unwavering commitment to the welfare of steelworkers, emphasizing his dedication to transparency and respect for all.Esmark, Inc., which includes facilities in Illinois and Ohio, has a close affiliation with USW unions. Over the years, Bouchard and Conway collaborated closely to ensure the well-being of their employees, forging a strong friendship in the process."We were just texting last month regarding our mutual respect for each other and our close working relationship and friendship. Our hearts go out to Tom's family, the USW, and all USW steelworkers," Bouchard continued.As the steel industry mourns the loss of Tom Conway, James P. Bouchard, and Esmark, Inc. remain steadfast in their commitment to honoring his legacy and continuing their mission to support steelworkers and the industry at large.Conclusion:The passing of Tom Conway, International President of the United Steel Workers, is a somber moment for the steel industry and those who knew him personally. James P. Bouchard, Founder and CEO of Esmark, Inc., expressed not only his deep sorrow but also the genuine friendship that existed between them.