Synopsis: Interpipe, a Ukrainian steel pipe and railway wheel manufacturer, has achieved a significant milestone by shipping 850 metric tons of casing and pump-compressor pipes with premium UPJ-M threaded connections to Iraq. This marks the company's first delivery of such oil and gas pipes to Iraq, demonstrating its commitment to becoming a major supplier of premium OCTG tubing in the Middle East. Notably, the pipes had to meet strict gas tightness requirements, making this accomplishment even more noteworthy.Article:Ukraine's Interpipe, a renowned manufacturer of steel pipes and railway wheels, has reached a noteworthy milestone in its journey by dispatching a substantial shipment of oil and gas pipes to Iraq. This delivery, weighing in at 850 metric tons, includes casing and pump-compressor pipes equipped with premium UPJ-M threaded connections. It marks the company's inaugural venture into supplying this category of pipes to Iraq, and it signifies a significant achievement for Interpipe in the Middle East region.Artem Artemov, the Director of Sales for Interpipe's pipes in the markets of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, emphasized the company's enduring strategic objective despite the challenging circumstances: to establish itself as the foremost provider of premium OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) tubing in the Middle East.What makes this accomplishment stand out is the stringent requirement for gas tightness imposed on the pipes. Meeting this requirement not only underscores Interpipe's commitment to quality and reliability but also enhances its reputation as a trusted supplier in the region.The shipment of these premium pipes to Iraq is a testament to Interpipe's resilience and determination to expand its presence in a competitive and demanding market. It exemplifies the company's ability to adapt to varying requirements and provide high-quality products to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry.As Interpipe continues its efforts to become a major player in the Middle East, this successful delivery to Iraq serves as a crucial step in achieving its strategic goals. With its focus on premium OCTG tubing, the company aims to play a pivotal role in supporting the oil and gas sector in the Middle East.This achievement not only showcases Interpipe's capabilities but also highlights the importance of adaptability and commitment in the face of challenging circumstances, such as regional conflicts and stringent quality standards.Conclusion:Interpipe's shipment of premium oil and gas pipes to Iraq represents a significant milestone for the company's expansion efforts in the Middle East. Overcoming the challenges posed by stringent gas tightness requirements, Interpipe has demonstrated its commitment to delivering high-quality products to the region's oil and gas industry. This achievement reflects the company's resilience and adaptability in a competitive market, and it aligns with its strategic goal of becoming a major supplier of premium OCTG tubing in the Middle East. As Interpipe continues its journey, this accomplishment underscores the importance of unwavering commitment and adaptability in the face of diverse challenges.
Synopsis: Interpipe, a Ukrainian steel pipe and railway wheel manufacturer, has achieved a significant milestone by shipping 850 metric tons of casing and pump-compressor pipes with premium UPJ-M threaded connections to Iraq. This marks the company's first delivery of such oil and gas pipes to Iraq, demonstrating its commitment to becoming a major supplier of premium OCTG tubing in the Middle East. Notably, the pipes had to meet strict gas tightness requirements, making this accomplishment even more noteworthy.Article:Ukraine's Interpipe, a renowned manufacturer of steel pipes and railway wheels, has reached a noteworthy milestone in its journey by dispatching a substantial shipment of oil and gas pipes to Iraq. This delivery, weighing in at 850 metric tons, includes casing and pump-compressor pipes equipped with premium UPJ-M threaded connections. It marks the company's inaugural venture into supplying this category of pipes to Iraq, and it signifies a significant achievement for Interpipe in the Middle East region.Artem Artemov, the Director of Sales for Interpipe's pipes in the markets of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, emphasized the company's enduring strategic objective despite the challenging circumstances: to establish itself as the foremost provider of premium OCTG (Oil Country Tubular Goods) tubing in the Middle East.What makes this accomplishment stand out is the stringent requirement for gas tightness imposed on the pipes. Meeting this requirement not only underscores Interpipe's commitment to quality and reliability but also enhances its reputation as a trusted supplier in the region.The shipment of these premium pipes to Iraq is a testament to Interpipe's resilience and determination to expand its presence in a competitive and demanding market. It exemplifies the company's ability to adapt to varying requirements and provide high-quality products to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry.As Interpipe continues its efforts to become a major player in the Middle East, this successful delivery to Iraq serves as a crucial step in achieving its strategic goals. With its focus on premium OCTG tubing, the company aims to play a pivotal role in supporting the oil and gas sector in the Middle East.This achievement not only showcases Interpipe's capabilities but also highlights the importance of adaptability and commitment in the face of challenging circumstances, such as regional conflicts and stringent quality standards.Conclusion:Interpipe's shipment of premium oil and gas pipes to Iraq represents a significant milestone for the company's expansion efforts in the Middle East. Overcoming the challenges posed by stringent gas tightness requirements, Interpipe has demonstrated its commitment to delivering high-quality products to the region's oil and gas industry. This achievement reflects the company's resilience and adaptability in a competitive market, and it aligns with its strategic goal of becoming a major supplier of premium OCTG tubing in the Middle East. As Interpipe continues its journey, this accomplishment underscores the importance of unwavering commitment and adaptability in the face of diverse challenges.