Business Line reported that JSW Steel has identified over 200 digital projects to connect its factories in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu and to enable them become Smart Steel Factories within the next three financial years. It will execute about 100 digital projects at the Vijayanagar plant in Karnataka, over 90 projects at Dolvi in Maharashtra and about 10 projects at Salem in Tamil Nadu covering the breadth of steel-making operations to drive efficiency. JSW Group’s Head of Digital Centre of Excellence Mr Siddharth Patel told BusinessLine that “The digital team will drive efficiency right from preparation of raw material to the stocking of the goods at the warehouse and delivery to customers.”Mr Patel added “JSW Steel is exploring the use of digital initiatives to implement predictive and then prescriptive maintenance to improve product quality and safety on the shop floor.”The first smart factory will become operational at Vijayanagar in FY23, followed by the steel-making facilities at Dolvi and Salem, and the downstream and joint control facilities will be taken up subsequently.
Business Line reported that JSW Steel has identified over 200 digital projects to connect its factories in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu and to enable them become Smart Steel Factories within the next three financial years. It will execute about 100 digital projects at the Vijayanagar plant in Karnataka, over 90 projects at Dolvi in Maharashtra and about 10 projects at Salem in Tamil Nadu covering the breadth of steel-making operations to drive efficiency. JSW Group’s Head of Digital Centre of Excellence Mr Siddharth Patel told BusinessLine that “The digital team will drive efficiency right from preparation of raw material to the stocking of the goods at the warehouse and delivery to customers.”Mr Patel added “JSW Steel is exploring the use of digital initiatives to implement predictive and then prescriptive maintenance to improve product quality and safety on the shop floor.”The first smart factory will become operational at Vijayanagar in FY23, followed by the steel-making facilities at Dolvi and Salem, and the downstream and joint control facilities will be taken up subsequently.