Synopsis: Kobe Steel, has achieved a groundbreaking technology that reduces CO₂ emissions from large blast furnaces by 25%, surpassing previous methods. The successful two-month demonstration used hot briquetted iron and proprietary technologies to achieve the world's lowest coke rate. This innovation not only cuts emissions but also paves the way for global steel industry CO₂ reduction. Kobe Steel aims to accelerate the adoption of HBI charging in blast furnaces worldwide to reduce CO₂ emissions. The demonstration aligns with their goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, contributing to a greener, sustainable future.Article: In a remarkable stride towards environmental sustainability, Kobe Steel, has unveiled a pioneering technology that dramatically reduces CO₂ emissions from large blast furnaces. This revolutionary achievement has successfully slashed CO2 emissions by a remarkable 25%, marking a significant improvement over the previous CO₂ Reduction Solution for Blast Furnace Ironmaking by the Kobelco Group.The demonstration of this game-changing technology was carried out over two months, utilizing a substantial blast furnace with a capacity of 4,844 m3 at the Kakogawa Works from April to June 2023. The key to this achievement lies in the reduced usage of the reducing agent rate, determined by the quantity of carbon fuel employed in the blast furnace. By introducing a substantial amount of hot briquetted iron produced through the MIDREX® Process, the RAR was stably reduced to an unprecedented low of 386 kg per metric ton hot metal, resulting in a 25% reduction in CO₂ emissions compared to conventional methods. Furthermore, the demonstration achieved the world's lowest coke rate, standing at a mere 230 kg per metric ton hot metal.This remarkable technology was developed by capitalizing on Kobe Steel's diverse range of businesses, incorporating and enhancing the engineering business's MIDREX technologies and the steel business's blast furnace operation technologies. The successful demonstration draws upon two key technologies: Midrex HBI manufacturing technology from the engineering business and advanced HBI charging technology for blast furnaces, AI-based blast furnace operation technology, advanced pellet production technology, and blast control technology from the steel business. These proprietary technologies, developed exclusively by the Kobe Steel Group, are not only beneficial to the company's own operations but also applicable to other companies' blast furnaces.Kobe Steel is committed to ongoing improvement in low-CO₂ blast furnace operation technologies, with a focus on further CO₂ reduction and cost reduction. Their ultimate objective is to employ this innovative solution not only for reducing their own CO₂ emissions but also to drive CO₂ reduction across the global steel industry by promoting the adoption of HBI charging in blast furnaces worldwide.The success of this demonstration aligns with the Kobe Steel Group's objective of achieving the 2030 target for reducing CO₂ emissions in its production processes. Leveraging the CO₂ reduction effect of this technology, the company aims to establish a system for increasing the production and supply of Kobenable Steel, Japan's first low-CO₂ blast furnace steel product, and encourage its adoption by customers and society.The mission of the Kobe Steel Group is rooted in the rapid reduction of CO₂ emissions at minimal cost to advance initiatives for a greener society, in line with the Japanese government's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The group remains committed to reducing CO₂ emissions by integrating unique technologies and innovations, with the aim of realizing a world where people can pursue their dreams in a safe, secure, and prosperous environment.Conclusion: Kobe Steel's groundbreaking achievement in reducing CO₂ emissions from large blast furnaces by 25% sets a new standard for the steel industry. This innovative technology not only outperforms previous methods but also opens the door for widespread adoption, significantly cutting emissions across the sector. Kobe Steel's commitment to environmental sustainability aligns with their goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, contributing to a greener and more prosperous future for all.
Synopsis: Kobe Steel, has achieved a groundbreaking technology that reduces CO₂ emissions from large blast furnaces by 25%, surpassing previous methods. The successful two-month demonstration used hot briquetted iron and proprietary technologies to achieve the world's lowest coke rate. This innovation not only cuts emissions but also paves the way for global steel industry CO₂ reduction. Kobe Steel aims to accelerate the adoption of HBI charging in blast furnaces worldwide to reduce CO₂ emissions. The demonstration aligns with their goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, contributing to a greener, sustainable future.Article: In a remarkable stride towards environmental sustainability, Kobe Steel, has unveiled a pioneering technology that dramatically reduces CO₂ emissions from large blast furnaces. This revolutionary achievement has successfully slashed CO2 emissions by a remarkable 25%, marking a significant improvement over the previous CO₂ Reduction Solution for Blast Furnace Ironmaking by the Kobelco Group.The demonstration of this game-changing technology was carried out over two months, utilizing a substantial blast furnace with a capacity of 4,844 m3 at the Kakogawa Works from April to June 2023. The key to this achievement lies in the reduced usage of the reducing agent rate, determined by the quantity of carbon fuel employed in the blast furnace. By introducing a substantial amount of hot briquetted iron produced through the MIDREX® Process, the RAR was stably reduced to an unprecedented low of 386 kg per metric ton hot metal, resulting in a 25% reduction in CO₂ emissions compared to conventional methods. Furthermore, the demonstration achieved the world's lowest coke rate, standing at a mere 230 kg per metric ton hot metal.This remarkable technology was developed by capitalizing on Kobe Steel's diverse range of businesses, incorporating and enhancing the engineering business's MIDREX technologies and the steel business's blast furnace operation technologies. The successful demonstration draws upon two key technologies: Midrex HBI manufacturing technology from the engineering business and advanced HBI charging technology for blast furnaces, AI-based blast furnace operation technology, advanced pellet production technology, and blast control technology from the steel business. These proprietary technologies, developed exclusively by the Kobe Steel Group, are not only beneficial to the company's own operations but also applicable to other companies' blast furnaces.Kobe Steel is committed to ongoing improvement in low-CO₂ blast furnace operation technologies, with a focus on further CO₂ reduction and cost reduction. Their ultimate objective is to employ this innovative solution not only for reducing their own CO₂ emissions but also to drive CO₂ reduction across the global steel industry by promoting the adoption of HBI charging in blast furnaces worldwide.The success of this demonstration aligns with the Kobe Steel Group's objective of achieving the 2030 target for reducing CO₂ emissions in its production processes. Leveraging the CO₂ reduction effect of this technology, the company aims to establish a system for increasing the production and supply of Kobenable Steel, Japan's first low-CO₂ blast furnace steel product, and encourage its adoption by customers and society.The mission of the Kobe Steel Group is rooted in the rapid reduction of CO₂ emissions at minimal cost to advance initiatives for a greener society, in line with the Japanese government's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The group remains committed to reducing CO₂ emissions by integrating unique technologies and innovations, with the aim of realizing a world where people can pursue their dreams in a safe, secure, and prosperous environment.Conclusion: Kobe Steel's groundbreaking achievement in reducing CO₂ emissions from large blast furnaces by 25% sets a new standard for the steel industry. This innovative technology not only outperforms previous methods but also opens the door for widespread adoption, significantly cutting emissions across the sector. Kobe Steel's commitment to environmental sustainability aligns with their goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, contributing to a greener and more prosperous future for all.