Jagran reported that that Steel Authority of India Limited’s Bokaro Steel Plant’s management has suspended four plant workers for violating the service conditions during the June 30 strike demanding pay revival in SAIL. The suspended personnel include Blast Furnace operators Mr Rakesh Kumar Giri, & Mr BC Singh, Machine Shop Fitter Mr Rajiv Kumar and Operation Garage person Mr R Kumar. Mr Rakesh is accused of obstructing the work by the management and obstructing the railway track at a very sensitive place and Rajiv affecting the gas line. There is resentment among the plant workers after this decision of the management. He begins to gather to protect his colleague. At the same time, the labor leaders have spoken of giving an answer to this decision of the management by going on strike. Labor leaders say that when the strike was 100% successful in the entire cell on June 30, then the question of departmental action on any particular person does not arise. If the management wants to take action against the employees because of the strike, then it will have to suspend all the workers together. They said “Since the work in all the departments was completely closed on the day of the strike, all the workers are responsible for this.” Labor leaders added “After the historic strike of 30 June in SAIL, the management is in a rage and is suspending the plant workers. It will be answered. If the suspension of the workers is not withdrawn soon, then the management will have to be ready for the next strike.”
Jagran reported that that Steel Authority of India Limited’s Bokaro Steel Plant’s management has suspended four plant workers for violating the service conditions during the June 30 strike demanding pay revival in SAIL. The suspended personnel include Blast Furnace operators Mr Rakesh Kumar Giri, & Mr BC Singh, Machine Shop Fitter Mr Rajiv Kumar and Operation Garage person Mr R Kumar. Mr Rakesh is accused of obstructing the work by the management and obstructing the railway track at a very sensitive place and Rajiv affecting the gas line. There is resentment among the plant workers after this decision of the management. He begins to gather to protect his colleague. At the same time, the labor leaders have spoken of giving an answer to this decision of the management by going on strike. Labor leaders say that when the strike was 100% successful in the entire cell on June 30, then the question of departmental action on any particular person does not arise. If the management wants to take action against the employees because of the strike, then it will have to suspend all the workers together. They said “Since the work in all the departments was completely closed on the day of the strike, all the workers are responsible for this.” Labor leaders added “After the historic strike of 30 June in SAIL, the management is in a rage and is suspending the plant workers. It will be answered. If the suspension of the workers is not withdrawn soon, then the management will have to be ready for the next strike.”