PTI reported that the Indian Government is planning certain modifications in the PLI Scheme for specialty steel and has extended the last day to submit the applications by about a month till 30 April 2022. A Steel Ministry told PTI “29 March 2022 was the last date to submit the applications for investors looking to invest under the scheme, which has been extended to 30 April. There will be certain additions in the modified scheme, which are underway. The step has been taken on the request of steelmakers, who had raised certain concerns over the scheme.”On 22 July 2021, the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had approved INR 6,322-crore PLI scheme to boost the production of specialty steel in India. In the initial scheme, five categories of specialty steel were included.Coated & plated steel productsHigh strength & wear-resistant steelSpecialty railsAlloy steel productsElectrical steel
PTI reported that the Indian Government is planning certain modifications in the PLI Scheme for specialty steel and has extended the last day to submit the applications by about a month till 30 April 2022. A Steel Ministry told PTI “29 March 2022 was the last date to submit the applications for investors looking to invest under the scheme, which has been extended to 30 April. There will be certain additions in the modified scheme, which are underway. The step has been taken on the request of steelmakers, who had raised certain concerns over the scheme.”On 22 July 2021, the Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had approved INR 6,322-crore PLI scheme to boost the production of specialty steel in India. In the initial scheme, five categories of specialty steel were included.Coated & plated steel productsHigh strength & wear-resistant steelSpecialty railsAlloy steel productsElectrical steel