The Telegraph reported that 2 employees were hurt after a minor explosion at Tata Steel's Jamshedpur plant on Monday afternoon. The blast occurred at 12.30 PM during slag pooling operations at the company's hot metal pooling pit near the Slag Road gate. Initial investigations by the company revealed that the blast occurred as hot slag was poured on to moisture on the ground. Company spokesperson Mr Kulvin Suri said "There was spattering of fire in the vicinity of the blast which was immediately controlled as per established fire control and safety procedures. Unfortunately, an attending foreman and an employee on contract sustained burn injuries. Necessary first aid was administered to both the employees and they got back to work. There has been no damage to any operating plant or equipment and normal operations have commenced. The incident will be further investigated to ensure such incidents do not recur,” This was the second mishap that took place inside the company's Jamshedpur plant within four months.A 27-year-old senior manager (operations) Sheeraz Zama Khan, posted at the cold rolling mill, had died in a mishap that took place inside the plant on September 22, last year. The senior manager was trapped in the galvanising line, probably while attending to a fault.
The Telegraph reported that 2 employees were hurt after a minor explosion at Tata Steel's Jamshedpur plant on Monday afternoon. The blast occurred at 12.30 PM during slag pooling operations at the company's hot metal pooling pit near the Slag Road gate. Initial investigations by the company revealed that the blast occurred as hot slag was poured on to moisture on the ground. Company spokesperson Mr Kulvin Suri said "There was spattering of fire in the vicinity of the blast which was immediately controlled as per established fire control and safety procedures. Unfortunately, an attending foreman and an employee on contract sustained burn injuries. Necessary first aid was administered to both the employees and they got back to work. There has been no damage to any operating plant or equipment and normal operations have commenced. The incident will be further investigated to ensure such incidents do not recur,” This was the second mishap that took place inside the company's Jamshedpur plant within four months.A 27-year-old senior manager (operations) Sheeraz Zama Khan, posted at the cold rolling mill, had died in a mishap that took place inside the plant on September 22, last year. The senior manager was trapped in the galvanising line, probably while attending to a fault.