Russian steel giant NLMK Group has embarked on a large-scale environmental upgrade of the air purification system at the Stoilensky Beneficiation Plant. The project will enable a 10 fold decrease in air dust concentration in the working zone and halve gross atmospheric emissions. Investment in the project will total approximately RUB 700 million. All works are scheduled for completion by the end of 2021. The dedusting system upgrade includes replacing dust catchers, exhaust fans, and air ducts, and installing additional ventilation systems, a sprinkler system at receiving bunkers, and other elements of the air purification related infrastructure. Project solutions are on par with best available technologies.The project to upgrade the dedusting system is being implemented as part of NLMK Group’s environmental programme, which aims to further minimize the Company’s environmental impact.Another 2021 project that is underway at Stoilensky is going enable a 70% decrease in dusting at the tailings dam, an area used for storing empty rock after ore beneficiation.
Russian steel giant NLMK Group has embarked on a large-scale environmental upgrade of the air purification system at the Stoilensky Beneficiation Plant. The project will enable a 10 fold decrease in air dust concentration in the working zone and halve gross atmospheric emissions. Investment in the project will total approximately RUB 700 million. All works are scheduled for completion by the end of 2021. The dedusting system upgrade includes replacing dust catchers, exhaust fans, and air ducts, and installing additional ventilation systems, a sprinkler system at receiving bunkers, and other elements of the air purification related infrastructure. Project solutions are on par with best available technologies.The project to upgrade the dedusting system is being implemented as part of NLMK Group’s environmental programme, which aims to further minimize the Company’s environmental impact.Another 2021 project that is underway at Stoilensky is going enable a 70% decrease in dusting at the tailings dam, an area used for storing empty rock after ore beneficiation.