Austrian refractory maker RHI Magnesita recently announced the operationalization of its regional R&D center in India. The company has earmarked a phased investment plan of INR 400 Crore to increase production capacity of its existing plants in India at Bhiwadi in Rajasthan, Vizag in Andhra Pradesh and Cuttack in Odisha. The investment would go towards brownfield expansion and automation of these facilities. RHI Magnesita CEO Mr Stefan Borgas said “India is a strategic growth market for us. Our corporate strategy is well aligned with the Make in India call of the Indian government. We are investing in expanding our capacity and capability to develop our Indian operations as the R&D and manufacturing hub for the greater region of India, the Middle East and Africa.” Mr Borgas added “We have recently scaled up the capacity of our Vizag plant by almost 30 percent recently with an investment of INR 50 Crore. We are further working on starting production of certain high-end products in the Bhiwadi facility, which are currently imported into India from our European and American facilities. This would lead to import substitution of these products.”This is the fifth R&D facility in the company’s global R&D network after Leoben in Austria, Contagem in Brazil, Dalian in China and York in United States.
Austrian refractory maker RHI Magnesita recently announced the operationalization of its regional R&D center in India. The company has earmarked a phased investment plan of INR 400 Crore to increase production capacity of its existing plants in India at Bhiwadi in Rajasthan, Vizag in Andhra Pradesh and Cuttack in Odisha. The investment would go towards brownfield expansion and automation of these facilities. RHI Magnesita CEO Mr Stefan Borgas said “India is a strategic growth market for us. Our corporate strategy is well aligned with the Make in India call of the Indian government. We are investing in expanding our capacity and capability to develop our Indian operations as the R&D and manufacturing hub for the greater region of India, the Middle East and Africa.” Mr Borgas added “We have recently scaled up the capacity of our Vizag plant by almost 30 percent recently with an investment of INR 50 Crore. We are further working on starting production of certain high-end products in the Bhiwadi facility, which are currently imported into India from our European and American facilities. This would lead to import substitution of these products.”This is the fifth R&D facility in the company’s global R&D network after Leoben in Austria, Contagem in Brazil, Dalian in China and York in United States.