Synopsis: Ruukki Construction, a part of the SSAB Group, has concluded change negotiations in Finland as part of cost structure adjustments. Due to weak demand in the construction market, 33 jobs will be lost, with 22 positions being eliminated and the remainder through retirements and reorganization. Additionally, temporary layoffs may occur from October 2023 to May 2024, depending on market conditions. The restructuring reflects the need to align operations and costs with the current market dynamics.ArticleIn response to the evolving market dynamics, Ruukki Construction, a key player within the SSAB Group, has successfully concluded change negotiations in Finland. These negotiations were a crucial step in the company's efforts to adjust its cost structure and operations to address the prevailing challenges in the construction market.The primary aim of these negotiations was to find viable solutions to align Ruukki Construction Oy's operations with the current conditions characterized by weak demand in the construction sector. While striving to maintain efficiency and competitiveness, the company recognized the necessity for adaptation.As a result of these Finnish negotiations, a total of 33 jobs will be lost. This includes a direct reduction of 22 positions, with the remaining workforce reductions being achieved through retirements and the reorganization of responsibilities. Furthermore, the company has taken into account the need for potential temporary layoffs, which may occur between October 2023 and May 2024. The specific implementation and duration of these temporary layoffs will be contingent on task and function, reflecting the dynamic nature of the construction market.Sami Eronen, President of Ruukki Construction, acknowledges that the market situation has not shown signs of improvement during the negotiations. Consequently, the company has decided to undertake restructuring efforts to realign its operations and cost structure with the foreseeable demand patterns.At the close of September, Ruukki employed approximately 400 individuals in Finland. The change negotiations are a reflection of the company's commitment to adaptability and resilience in the face of challenging market conditions.ConclusionRuukki Construction's proactive approach to addressing market challenges through cost structure adjustments and workforce optimization underscores its commitment to long-term sustainability and competitiveness.
Synopsis: Ruukki Construction, a part of the SSAB Group, has concluded change negotiations in Finland as part of cost structure adjustments. Due to weak demand in the construction market, 33 jobs will be lost, with 22 positions being eliminated and the remainder through retirements and reorganization. Additionally, temporary layoffs may occur from October 2023 to May 2024, depending on market conditions. The restructuring reflects the need to align operations and costs with the current market dynamics.ArticleIn response to the evolving market dynamics, Ruukki Construction, a key player within the SSAB Group, has successfully concluded change negotiations in Finland. These negotiations were a crucial step in the company's efforts to adjust its cost structure and operations to address the prevailing challenges in the construction market.The primary aim of these negotiations was to find viable solutions to align Ruukki Construction Oy's operations with the current conditions characterized by weak demand in the construction sector. While striving to maintain efficiency and competitiveness, the company recognized the necessity for adaptation.As a result of these Finnish negotiations, a total of 33 jobs will be lost. This includes a direct reduction of 22 positions, with the remaining workforce reductions being achieved through retirements and the reorganization of responsibilities. Furthermore, the company has taken into account the need for potential temporary layoffs, which may occur between October 2023 and May 2024. The specific implementation and duration of these temporary layoffs will be contingent on task and function, reflecting the dynamic nature of the construction market.Sami Eronen, President of Ruukki Construction, acknowledges that the market situation has not shown signs of improvement during the negotiations. Consequently, the company has decided to undertake restructuring efforts to realign its operations and cost structure with the foreseeable demand patterns.At the close of September, Ruukki employed approximately 400 individuals in Finland. The change negotiations are a reflection of the company's commitment to adaptability and resilience in the face of challenging market conditions.ConclusionRuukki Construction's proactive approach to addressing market challenges through cost structure adjustments and workforce optimization underscores its commitment to long-term sustainability and competitiveness.