Kolkata based Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited announced that the company has received Consent to Operate from State Pollution Control Board of Odisha to increase captive power generation at its Sambalpur unit. Following the clearances, the capacity at the unit will increase from 118 MW to 158 MW. Across its units at Sambalpur, Jamuria & Mangalpur, the aggregate capacity will grow from 227 MW to 267 MW representing a 17.6% increase. The incremental capacity is now operational."Wholly Owned Subsidiary Shyam SEL & Power Ltd has received Consent to Operate from State Pollution Control Board, Odisha and West Bengal Pollution Control Board respectively. Following the clearances, the total installed capacity for sponge iron products will increase by 20%, from 1.39 million tonnes per annum to 1.67 1.39 million tonnes per annum. The incremental capacity to commence operations in December 2021.In addition, Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited has also received CTO from West Bengal Pollution Control Board for the scheduled capacity expansion at the Jamuria plant. This expansion will add 0.25 million tonnes per annum of incremental capacity across steel products. The aggregate capacities of sponge iron, billet & long products are slated to increase by 7%, 6% & 10% respectively.Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited Managing Director Mr Bhushan Agarwal said “We incurred a capital expenditure of INR 110 croresforthe addition of the 40 MW capacity. The project came online much before its projected timeline of May 2022. The expansion at Jamuria plant will also enable us to meet the increasing demand for our products. Our operational excellence in producing high-value long product structural steel cost-effectively will continue to give us an edge."Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited is a leading integrated metal producing company based in India with a focus on long steel products and ferroalloys. It is amongst the largest producers of ferroalloys, one of the leading players in terms of pellet capacity and the fourth-largest player in the sponge iron industry in terms of sponge iron capacity in India.
Kolkata based Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited announced that the company has received Consent to Operate from State Pollution Control Board of Odisha to increase captive power generation at its Sambalpur unit. Following the clearances, the capacity at the unit will increase from 118 MW to 158 MW. Across its units at Sambalpur, Jamuria & Mangalpur, the aggregate capacity will grow from 227 MW to 267 MW representing a 17.6% increase. The incremental capacity is now operational."Wholly Owned Subsidiary Shyam SEL & Power Ltd has received Consent to Operate from State Pollution Control Board, Odisha and West Bengal Pollution Control Board respectively. Following the clearances, the total installed capacity for sponge iron products will increase by 20%, from 1.39 million tonnes per annum to 1.67 1.39 million tonnes per annum. The incremental capacity to commence operations in December 2021.In addition, Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited has also received CTO from West Bengal Pollution Control Board for the scheduled capacity expansion at the Jamuria plant. This expansion will add 0.25 million tonnes per annum of incremental capacity across steel products. The aggregate capacities of sponge iron, billet & long products are slated to increase by 7%, 6% & 10% respectively.Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited Managing Director Mr Bhushan Agarwal said “We incurred a capital expenditure of INR 110 croresforthe addition of the 40 MW capacity. The project came online much before its projected timeline of May 2022. The expansion at Jamuria plant will also enable us to meet the increasing demand for our products. Our operational excellence in producing high-value long product structural steel cost-effectively will continue to give us an edge."Shyam Metalics and Energy Limited is a leading integrated metal producing company based in India with a focus on long steel products and ferroalloys. It is amongst the largest producers of ferroalloys, one of the leading players in terms of pellet capacity and the fourth-largest player in the sponge iron industry in terms of sponge iron capacity in India.