Tata Steel has paid homage to its Founder Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, also regarded as the legendary ‘Father of Indian Industry’ on his 184th Birth Anniversary. Celebrated as the Founder’s Day, the flagship event happens every year at Jamshedpur on3 March to pay tributes to the founder’s vision of an industrial future with community welfare at its core. The theme of this year’s celebrations is “Geennovation - Make Tomorrow Green”.The event in Jamshedpur was graced by Mr. Noel N Tata, Vice Chairman, Tata Steel and Mr. TV Narendran, CEO & MD, Tata Steel. Other senior company officials, as well as Union members, were also present during the occasion.Today we celebrate the pioneering spirit of our Founder, who spearheaded the founding of this inspiring city, as well as successive generations of leaders, each of whom played a key role in nation-building – not only in industrialization but also in community support, says Mr. Noel N Tata.”
Tata Steel has paid homage to its Founder Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, also regarded as the legendary ‘Father of Indian Industry’ on his 184th Birth Anniversary. Celebrated as the Founder’s Day, the flagship event happens every year at Jamshedpur on3 March to pay tributes to the founder’s vision of an industrial future with community welfare at its core. The theme of this year’s celebrations is “Geennovation - Make Tomorrow Green”.The event in Jamshedpur was graced by Mr. Noel N Tata, Vice Chairman, Tata Steel and Mr. TV Narendran, CEO & MD, Tata Steel. Other senior company officials, as well as Union members, were also present during the occasion.Today we celebrate the pioneering spirit of our Founder, who spearheaded the founding of this inspiring city, as well as successive generations of leaders, each of whom played a key role in nation-building – not only in industrialization but also in community support, says Mr. Noel N Tata.”