Leader in customized alloy steel products and services TimkenSteel Corp. has signed a purchase agreement with Daido Steel (Shanghai) Co Ltd with the intent to sell its TimkenSteel (Shanghai) Corporation Limited subsidiary in China for approximately USD 7 million in cash. TimkenSteel President & Chief Executive Office Mr Mike Williams said "With this arrangement, Daido will move from a valued supplier to a key authorized distributor of TimkenSteel products in China. Daido and TimkenSteel have enjoyed a long relationship and have collaborated on everything from technical assistance to product development in order to support key customers in Asia and the United States. We thank the TSS team for their efforts on behalf of TimkenSteel and we wish everyone continued success." The transaction is contingent upon completion of usual and customary due diligence. Close of the transaction is expected in the third quarter of 2021.https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E1BAQFEG7lyFkq34w/company-background_10000/0/1568124871659?e=2159024400&v=beta&t=b5RzJ5QgigXGdMnEHSCLSsr0CaVR4HLl9KD7n2M3yOo
Leader in customized alloy steel products and services TimkenSteel Corp. has signed a purchase agreement with Daido Steel (Shanghai) Co Ltd with the intent to sell its TimkenSteel (Shanghai) Corporation Limited subsidiary in China for approximately USD 7 million in cash. TimkenSteel President & Chief Executive Office Mr Mike Williams said "With this arrangement, Daido will move from a valued supplier to a key authorized distributor of TimkenSteel products in China. Daido and TimkenSteel have enjoyed a long relationship and have collaborated on everything from technical assistance to product development in order to support key customers in Asia and the United States. We thank the TSS team for their efforts on behalf of TimkenSteel and we wish everyone continued success." The transaction is contingent upon completion of usual and customary due diligence. Close of the transaction is expected in the third quarter of 2021.https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/image/C4E1BAQFEG7lyFkq34w/company-background_10000/0/1568124871659?e=2159024400&v=beta&t=b5RzJ5QgigXGdMnEHSCLSsr0CaVR4HLl9KD7n2M3yOo