United States of America President Mr Joseph R Biden Jr has amended section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, section 301 of title 3 United States Code, and section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974 vide a proclamation dated 27 December 2021 to establish a tariff-rate quota on imports of steel articles from member countries of the EU. Imports of steel articles from member countries of the EU in excess of the tariff-rate quota quantities shall remain subject to the duties imposed by clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, as amended. The Secretary, in consultation with the United States Trade Representative and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall recommend to the President, as warranted, updates to the in-quota volumes contained in this proclamation.Clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, as amended, is revised to read as (a) In order to establish certain modifications to the duty rate on imports of steel articles, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS is modified as provided in the Annex to this proclamation and any subsequent proclamations regarding such steel articles.(b) Except as otherwise provided in this proclamation, or in notices published pursuant to clause 3 of this proclamation, all steel articles imports covered by heading 9903.80.01, in subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption. These rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported steel articles, shall apply to imports of steel articles from each country as specified in the preceding three sentences. Steel eligible for treatment under clause 1 of this proclamation must be melted and poured in a member country of the EU in order to receive such treatment. The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the United States Trade Representative, is authorized to take such actions as are necessary to ensure compliance with this requirement. Failure to comply could result in applicable remedies such as the collection of the tariff set forth in clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, or penalties under United States law.Steel articles from a member country of the EU imported under an exclusion granted pursuant to clause 3 of Proclamation 9705, as amended, shall not count against the in-quota volume of the tariff-rate quota established in this proclamation.The Secretary, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the heads of other executive departments and agencies as necessary, shall establish a process to assist United States steel and aluminum consumers in identifying suppliers in those trading partners with which the United States has negotiated an arrangement under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended, that can provide the relevant product.
United States of America President Mr Joseph R Biden Jr has amended section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, section 301 of title 3 United States Code, and section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974 vide a proclamation dated 27 December 2021 to establish a tariff-rate quota on imports of steel articles from member countries of the EU. Imports of steel articles from member countries of the EU in excess of the tariff-rate quota quantities shall remain subject to the duties imposed by clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, as amended. The Secretary, in consultation with the United States Trade Representative and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall recommend to the President, as warranted, updates to the in-quota volumes contained in this proclamation.Clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, as amended, is revised to read as (a) In order to establish certain modifications to the duty rate on imports of steel articles, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS is modified as provided in the Annex to this proclamation and any subsequent proclamations regarding such steel articles.(b) Except as otherwise provided in this proclamation, or in notices published pursuant to clause 3 of this proclamation, all steel articles imports covered by heading 9903.80.01, in subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption. These rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported steel articles, shall apply to imports of steel articles from each country as specified in the preceding three sentences. Steel eligible for treatment under clause 1 of this proclamation must be melted and poured in a member country of the EU in order to receive such treatment. The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the United States Trade Representative, is authorized to take such actions as are necessary to ensure compliance with this requirement. Failure to comply could result in applicable remedies such as the collection of the tariff set forth in clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, or penalties under United States law.Steel articles from a member country of the EU imported under an exclusion granted pursuant to clause 3 of Proclamation 9705, as amended, shall not count against the in-quota volume of the tariff-rate quota established in this proclamation.The Secretary, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the heads of other executive departments and agencies as necessary, shall establish a process to assist United States steel and aluminum consumers in identifying suppliers in those trading partners with which the United States has negotiated an arrangement under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended, that can provide the relevant product.