In a groundbreaking achievement, the universal nuclear icebreaker Sibir, operated by Atomflot FSUE, successfully completed flood control work on the Yenisei River. The crew of this nuclear-powered ship undertook the challenging task of creating additional ice channels and cuts in the riverbed to prevent potential ice jams. This marked the first time that a nuclear icebreaker of project 22220 was employed for such operations, highlighting its unique capabilities and versatility.Leonid Irlitsa, the Acting Director General of Atomflot FSUE, expressed his satisfaction with the crew's performance, stating that the technical capabilities of the icebreaker, coupled with the experience of the crew and recommendations from the Marine Operations Headquarters of GlavSevmorput FGBU, ensured an effective solution to the flood control problem. The crew successfully made cuts in the main channel of the Yenisei River, specifically in the Luzinsky, Nikitinsky, and Funtusovsky Islands area, while also demolishing a two-meter-thick ice road that connected the river's left and right banks.The need for these anti-jamming measures arose from the request of the administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Hydrometeorologists predicted ice drift on the Yenisei, along with a rupture wave and the potential for ice jams. To mitigate these risks, the proven technique of anti-jamming operations utilizing nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Taimyr type was employed.The anti-jamming operations on the Yenisei River follow a systematic approach. First, the port of Dudinka is closed, and all ships are removed from the river. As the water level rises to 7.5-8 meters, the nuclear icebreaker initiates the creation of additional channels and cuts, while simultaneously demolishing the snow-ice road. These measures effectively prevent ice jams and ensure that water levels do not rise beyond dangerous thresholds.This remarkable mission showcases the importance of nuclear-powered icebreakers in maintaining navigation safety and enabling operations in harsh Arctic environments. ROSATOM, appointed as the operator of the Northern Sea Route infrastructure, plays a vital role in organizing NSR navigation, constructing infrastructure facilities, providing navigation and hydrographic support, and establishing a robust navigation safety system in the Arctic. ROSATOM's comprehensive competencies and resources across the nuclear supply chain position it as a global leader in offering energy solutions while prioritizing low-carbon power generation projects.
In a groundbreaking achievement, the universal nuclear icebreaker Sibir, operated by Atomflot FSUE, successfully completed flood control work on the Yenisei River. The crew of this nuclear-powered ship undertook the challenging task of creating additional ice channels and cuts in the riverbed to prevent potential ice jams. This marked the first time that a nuclear icebreaker of project 22220 was employed for such operations, highlighting its unique capabilities and versatility.Leonid Irlitsa, the Acting Director General of Atomflot FSUE, expressed his satisfaction with the crew's performance, stating that the technical capabilities of the icebreaker, coupled with the experience of the crew and recommendations from the Marine Operations Headquarters of GlavSevmorput FGBU, ensured an effective solution to the flood control problem. The crew successfully made cuts in the main channel of the Yenisei River, specifically in the Luzinsky, Nikitinsky, and Funtusovsky Islands area, while also demolishing a two-meter-thick ice road that connected the river's left and right banks.The need for these anti-jamming measures arose from the request of the administration of the Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Hydrometeorologists predicted ice drift on the Yenisei, along with a rupture wave and the potential for ice jams. To mitigate these risks, the proven technique of anti-jamming operations utilizing nuclear-powered icebreakers of the Taimyr type was employed.The anti-jamming operations on the Yenisei River follow a systematic approach. First, the port of Dudinka is closed, and all ships are removed from the river. As the water level rises to 7.5-8 meters, the nuclear icebreaker initiates the creation of additional channels and cuts, while simultaneously demolishing the snow-ice road. These measures effectively prevent ice jams and ensure that water levels do not rise beyond dangerous thresholds.This remarkable mission showcases the importance of nuclear-powered icebreakers in maintaining navigation safety and enabling operations in harsh Arctic environments. ROSATOM, appointed as the operator of the Northern Sea Route infrastructure, plays a vital role in organizing NSR navigation, constructing infrastructure facilities, providing navigation and hydrographic support, and establishing a robust navigation safety system in the Arctic. ROSATOM's comprehensive competencies and resources across the nuclear supply chain position it as a global leader in offering energy solutions while prioritizing low-carbon power generation projects.