Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd and SHIN KURUSHIMADOCKYARD CO LTDhave joint AIP for the concept design of Ammonia Fueled Car Carrier from NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI. In this joint study, Shin Kurushima Dock, ClassNK and UK" Line formulated a potential risk assessment and safety measures for using ammonia as a fuel. Based on the safety evaluation of ammonia fuel, Shin Kurushima Dock and K Line worked on the development of a ship that can both reduce environmental impact and meet actual operational requirements.As ammonia fuel does not emit carbon dioxide during combustion, it is attracting attention as a next-generation marine fuel that will greatly contribute to the International Maritime Organization's strategic goal of GHG reduction by 2050, which is to reduce total GHG emissions by 50% from the 2008 level.
Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd and SHIN KURUSHIMADOCKYARD CO LTDhave joint AIP for the concept design of Ammonia Fueled Car Carrier from NIPPON KAIJI KYOKAI. In this joint study, Shin Kurushima Dock, ClassNK and UK" Line formulated a potential risk assessment and safety measures for using ammonia as a fuel. Based on the safety evaluation of ammonia fuel, Shin Kurushima Dock and K Line worked on the development of a ship that can both reduce environmental impact and meet actual operational requirements.As ammonia fuel does not emit carbon dioxide during combustion, it is attracting attention as a next-generation marine fuel that will greatly contribute to the International Maritime Organization's strategic goal of GHG reduction by 2050, which is to reduce total GHG emissions by 50% from the 2008 level.